The Board of Directors will oversee the administration of the parish work program and provide guidance to the functional groups of the parish.
1. Staff Relationships
The Board of Directors is responsible to the congregation through the president. The president is the chairman of the Board of Directors. It is composed of the president and the vice presidents of the congregation as voting members and the secretary of the congregation, the treasurer/business manager and the called staff as advisory members.
2. Major Duties
The Board of Directors will identify ministry targets and develop and coordinate the long range planning for the period from 2 to 10 years toward meeting the congregation’s mission and vision. It shall have the authority to make decisions and act on behalf of the
congregation in between congregational voters’ meetings except in areas reserved exclusively for the congregation as a whole. The board will review and update the operations manual each year. Specific duties are outlined in the operations manual.
Trinity’s Current Board of Directors is composed of:
Mark Denney, President
John Lange, 1st VP
Jeff Thorne, 2nd VP
Jean Fluevog, 3rd VP
Laura Gray, Secretary
Rev. Dr. Damian Snyder, Advisory Member