Trinity Lutheran Church

Board of stewardship


Acting as a “loving steward” for our
congregation, the Board of Stewardship plans, promotes, and supervises the
church stewardship program.  We conduct an annual campaign (time, talent,
and treasure) in the fall and act as the Salary Review Committee each year to
develop salary/benefit input for the annual work program. As part of
“educating others about stewardship”, we provide periodic communication to the Congregation giving a financial snapshot, identifying any pending issues that may affect the church. In conjunction with the President and Board of Directors, we help ensure the church’s accounting firm is providing accurate and timely financial reports.

 Acting as a “loving steward” to our neighbors, we help share the love of Christ through quarterly mission giving.  Trinity has helped support many local humanitarian organizations; charities focused on Christ centered missionary efforts, and other Synod and District congregations.

 The Board of Stewardship meets as needed on the 3rd or 4th  Monday of the month.

 The Chairman of the Board of Stewardship is Rod Low.  His contact information can be found in the church directory or by calling the church office.