Trinity Lutheran Church

Board of Youth

Staff Relationship
The chairperson(s) of the Board of Youth Ministry is responsible, through the president, to the congregation for all actions of the Board of Youth Ministry. The chairperson(s) will work closely with the vice-president and the designated called advisor in all matters relating to youth ministry activities within the campus. The chairperson(s) is a member of the CCC.
The chairperson(s) of the Board of Youth Ministry is responsible for directing the efforts of the board members.
Major Duties
The chairperson will plan, promote, and supervise the youth ministry program. The chairperson will ensure that the specific duties below are accomplished.
Specific Duties
1. Plan, promote, and supervise the youth ministry program.
2. Recruit and train youth and adults to oversee the various activities of the board.
3. Recruit leaders for the senior youth, junior youth, and pre-teen youth programs as needed.
4. Provide/support a youth ministry education program.
5. Provide/support a youth evangelism program.
6. Provide/support a youth fellowship and recreation program.
7. Stay abreast with Lutheran Youth, District and Synodical boards, camps, and other programs that would be of benefit to the youth.
8. Develop additional youth ministry activities as opportunities arise.
9. Continuously review (with input from youth, parents, and adult leaders) ways to expand and enrich youth ministry activities.
10.Develop short-range youth objectives no later than the April CCC meeting for the first Semi-Annual Congregational Voters’ meeting.
11.Develop resources (time talent, money) required to execute the short-range plan. Submit it to the Board of Stewardship no later than the August CCC meeting for inclusion in the proposed campus work program.
12.Maintain an accurate record of all meetings and provide copies to all CCC members.
13.In the absence of the chairperson, ensure a Youth Ministry member attends each CCC meeting.