Trinity Lutheran Church

Your Next Steps



Baptism is one of the means through which God brings people into His family by forgiving their sins and creating a new person within them for the sake of Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins. Click below to learn more about this precious gift or to schedule a baptism.



Join Small Group

Trinity offers small group bible studies at various times throughout the week at different locations.  Contact Pastor Snyder at 913-682-7474 or for up-to- date information.


Serve with Us

As the redeemed children of God through Jesus Christ, the people of Trinity seek to love our neighbors and community.  Some of the ways this happens are through serving as a site for the Council on Aging Nutrition Site program, our food and clothing pantry known as Trinity House, summertime Vacation Bible School, and quarterly financial giving to many local and non-local charities.  Contact the church office to learn more and to volunteer.