Trinity Lutheran Church


Below, you will find various resources meant to challenge, encourage, support, and defend. It is my prayer that they point you away from yourself and towards Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, who takes away the sin of the world. The inclusion of resources on this page does not necessarily imply the endorsement of any/all content by Rev. Dr. Damian Snyder or Trinity Lutheran Church. Please submit any questions/comments to Pastor Snyder at:
    Pastor Damian

“The Gospel for Those Broken by the Church” by Rev. Rod Rosenbladt

The Scrupe Blog describes itself as, “A Confessional Lutheran blog on the distinction between the Law and the Gospel, and scrupulosity- also known as religious OCD.” Whether you or a loved on suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or not, Pastor Waters often draws on the insights of those who have struggled with this disorder and uses them as a springboard to teach all of us the proper distinction between law and gospel.

This is the website of Concordia Theology hosted by Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. From scholarly articles to commentary on current events, there are a wide range of resources accessible via this page.

FirstThings claims to be, “America’s most influential journal of religion and public life.” Click here for a more in-depth description:

The Order of Former Free Masons offers a website that I believe provides key information for understanding Free Masonry in the words of those who once were Free Masons themselves.

This is a Public Domain copy of the Augsburg Confession that has been formatted to print in booklet form on 8.5” x 11” paper.

In this presentation, Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Kloha masterfully calls into question common false assumptions about the Bible.  Be warned that this presentation will almost certainly challenge assumptions you hold about God’s Word but, in the end, will lead you to a deeper trust in the One who is the purpose and focus of the scripture, Jesus Christ, our risen savior.

This document details some Biblical and Confessional principles that help inform our worship decisions at Trinity.

1517  offers many Lutheran podcasts, videos, print resources, etc.

Here is information about “the end times” prepared by the C.T.C.R. of the LCMS.

The Brief Statement is a summary of Lutheran doctrine.

Click here to connect to an archive of law/gospel sermons preached at the chapel of St. Titus and St. Timothy and the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.